Who are we? An accessible guide to Healthwatch

We're here to help you have your say on health and social care services. That means listening to what you think is good about your experiences, as well as what could be improved. In addition, you can use our information and signposting service to find the answers to your queries about services.
We understand that getting our message out to everyone in the community means we need to make our information accessible.
Below is a series of BSL videos which help to showcase who we are and what we do:
1. What is Healthwatch?
2. Advice and Information
3. Speak up and help make care better
We also have some easy-read guides which explain our role an understandable format.
These guides feature lots of images and give examples of how we can help you to have the best health and social care experience possible.
Click below to download the guides (you'll need a PDF reader to be able to view them!):
If you have any other queries, get in touch!