Who we are
The organisation holding the Healthwatch Middlesbrough contract is Pioneering Care Partnership (PCP).
PCP is a multi-award winning health and wellbeing charity operating across the North East. For further information please visit www.pcp.uk.net. Registered charity No. 1067888. Company registered in England No. 3491237. Registered address: Pioneering Care Centre, Carers Way, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham. DL5 4SF. © Pioneering Care Centre.
Healthwatch Middlesbrough uses the Healthwatch Trademark when undertaking our statutory activities as covered by this licence.
What we do
We are an independent champion for people who use health and social care services and to make sure that those running services, put people at the heart of care - especially those who find it hardest to be heard.
We focus on ensuring that people’s experiences and concerns about health and social care services are heard and we speak out on their behalf to inform service development and ensure they meet the needs of local people.
How we do this
We are here to listen to what you like about services and what you think could be improved. No matter how big or small the issue, we want to hear about it.
This is done through our:
- Information and signposting service - People can contact us with any queries or concerns about health and social care services.
- Focussed community consultations, surveys and attending events - Talk to local people individually and in groups about their experiences of health and social care services.
- Enter and View activities - We have the legal power to visit health and social care services to see them in action, this is called an ‘Enter and View’. It offers an opportunity for us to speak to patients, public, their families and staff.
- Positive relationships with professionals working in the heart of communities who provide regular feedback about what people are telling them and experiencing. This role is called a Community Champion.
All of these activities help us to:
- Identify and highlight what is working well.
- Recommend improvements for specific service areas.
Our focus
Our priorities change every year to reflect what’s important to local people which is based on what you tell us.
2024-2025 priorities

If you would like to help us to achieve our priorities over the next 12 months click here for more information.