Rachel Shafto - Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID)

Facilitating social groups and informative talks for the Deaf community.

Why did you decide to become a Community Champion? 

As someone who is hard of hearing, I know just how difficult things can be in everyday life. I was approached by Healthwatch to become a Community Champion to share my experiences (and the experiences of those I work with), so I jumped at the chance.

Health and social care needs to be more inclusive for deaf people too, so I'm hoping we can work together to help improve services across South Tees. 

How does your role help people in South Tees? 

I currently facilitate Middlesbrough Deaf Centre. We run several different types of social groups as well as provide information talks, awareness raising, and campaigning to improve access for the Deaf community in the Tees Valley.

Find out more about my work...

By visiting the official RNID website .