November 2023

“Our Middlesbrough. Our Stories.” 20th November 2023 – Middlesbrough Town Hall

Community Events
Town Hall, Middlesbrough
Monday 20th November, 2023 - 10:00 to 13:00

About this event

Join us on 20th November between 10 am and 1 pm at Middlesbrough Town Hall for a free event for older people to celebrate Middlesbrough’s past, present and future. The event will feature various activities, art exhibitions and interactive workshops which gather people’s memories of the town. There will be information stalls with local community groups, organisations and support services for older people providing advice and guidance on a range of issues including, dementia, fall prevention, digital inclusion, physical and mental health, sensory support and much more.

No booking is required. Light refreshments will be provided.  BSL interpreters will be available on the day. To find out more about the event email agefriendly@middlesbrough.gov.uk or call Anya Deputat on 01642728634

 A Postcard from Middlesbrough

A Postcard from Middlesbrough is a project that aims to capture people’s memories of the town, Middlesbrough’s picturesque landscapes, iconic landmarks and hidden gems. Through this project, we encourage people of all ages, whether Middlesbrough residents or visitors to design their unique postcard or write a description of their most cherished memory associated with the town.

If you or your group would like to take part in the project, simply get in touch. We will send you a pack with a blank postcard to decorate or write on, a prepaid addressed envelope and some further instructions. Your postcard will be displayed at the event on 20th November 2023 at the Middlesbrough Town Hall, between 10 am and 1 pm. You will also have a chance to enter a raffle and win some exciting prizes.

All the postcards are anonymous and we are not sharing your data with anyone. We can also visit your group and provide arts and crafts materials to design postcards (pens, fabric, paint etc.).

Contact us:


Email: agefriendly@middlesbrough.gov.uk or anya_deputat@middlesbrough.gov.uk call: Anya Deputat onMy Si 01642 728634 or message us on Facebook www.facebook.com/BoroLibraries

Contact details

Contact us:

Email: agefriendly@middlesbrough.gov.uk or anya_deputat@middlesbrough.gov.uk call: Anya Deputat onMy Si 01642 728634 or message us on Facebook www.facebook.com/BoroLibraries

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