About this event
World Autism Acceptance Month takes place in April.
Autism is a lifelong disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world.
• At least one in 100 people are autistic which means more than 700,000 people in the UK.
• Autistic people have a range of strengths and challenges. For example, some autistic people also have a learning disability and may need support with daily tasks like washing, cooking or exercising. Other autistic people are in full time work and may benefit from reasonable adjustments.
• Autistic people may:
o Face challenges with communication and social interaction
o Be under- or over-sensitive to sounds, touch, tastes, smells, light and colours.
o Have highly focused interests or hobbies.
o Have repetitive or restrictive behaviour.
o Experience intense anxiety around unexpected change and social situations.
o Experience ‘meltdowns’ or ‘shutdowns’.
Contact details
For more information on autism acceptance month visit here.