Collaborative Dentistry Report

Healthwatch South Tees joined Healthwatch Northumberland, Stockton, Gateshead, Hartlepool, Darlington, Newcastle and North Tyneside, in gathering patient experience from our respective geographical areas.
An online survey was launched on 29 November 2021 and closed on 7 January 2022, with 795 people taking part.
During the same period, Healthwatch teams and volunteers contacted dental practices in their catchment area to ask a series of questions in order to understand their opinions and the availability of their service.
Along-side this, a 'dentistry myth buster' was produced after our discussions with local practitioners. A lot of false information was circulating on social media (and within the general media) regarding dentists during the lockdown period - so this descriptive leaflet helped to de-bunk much of this false information. (This is also attached below)
We have also produced a local report highlighting people's experiences of dental services across South Tees. This can also be found below.
All dental experience information provided by the public covers the time period of March 2020 to January 2022.
The results of both the public survey and the dental practices survey for each local Healthwatch have been combined to give a region-wide summary.
The 'next steps' section of the report outlines how we will continue to work with local providers and the British Dental Association.
We will also be sharing our findings with Healthwatch England.