Annual Report 2022/23

We are pleased to present Healthwatch Middlesbrough's Annual Report for 2022/23.

Read our report to find out:

  • How we have listened to and included our local community.
  • How we analyse people’s experiences to spot trends and create change.
  • How we act on feedback to drive change and improve services for people.
  • How our work has made a difference to people’s lives.
  • How we have made sure that our local community is heard by our NHS at Integrated Care Systems level.
  • How we have worked together with other Healthwatch to be effective and influence decisions taken by Integrated Care Boards and Partnerships.

If you'd like this report in a different format, please get in touch.

0800 118 1691 

Text only: 07451 288 789


Healthwatch Middlesbrough Annual Report 2022/23

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