1. News -

    We have recently published three new reports outlining our engagement work in the community!
  2. News -

    Mental Health Week is 18 – 22 May 2020. We recognise these are very difficult times, but amazingly, we have seen so many acts of kindness and support that have made a huge difference to people’s lives during lockdown.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Got a health and social care query? Get in touch with us!
  4. Report -

    As arthritis was recognised as a common condition among those aged over 50 across South Tees, we decided to take a closer look into arthritis care experiences.
  5. Report -

    This case study explores how a local GP Practice decided to be more proactive in identifying people on their register who were responsible for caring for others, because many of them don't identify as a carer.
  6. News -

    NHS England has released updated guidance on dentistry, and how treatment will be different in response to coronavirus.
  7. News -

    We rely on local people sharing information with us.
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    'Beautiful Inside and Out' is a magazine published by Public Health South Tees as part of an ongoing awareness campaign aimed at improving the uptake of cancer screening.
  9. News -

    A leading lung cancer doctor has called on people across the region to contact their GP if they are worried about potential lung cancer symptoms.
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    New measures and a 'Better Health' campaign are being launched to encourage people to maintain a healthy weight to beat coronavirus and protect the NHS.
  11. News -

    The government is currently running a consultation to seek views on a proposal to give employees with caring responsibilities one week of unpaid leave each year.
  12. Report -

    An introduction to volunteering with Healthwatch.
  13. News -

    Kooth, a mental health support service, has published guidance on how to support young people with exam results
  14. News -

    Read about our Community Champions and why they're passionate about improving health and wellbeing across South Tees
  15. News -

    The Brook team are thrilled to be able to provide further support to the young people of Teesside through their one to one My Life programme.
  16. Report -

    Read the minutes from our Board meetings
  17. Report -

    Our Digital Communications Strategy outlines how we will engage and communicate effectively with our stakeholders and communities.
  18. News -

    NCEPOD (National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death) is currently reviewing the care delivered when young people transition from child to adult health services. 
  19. Report -

    This Code of Conduct provides guidance on the responsibilities and conduct expected from representatives of Healthwatch.
  20. Report -

    This document outlines our approach to compliments, comments and complaints and how you can contact us regarding these.
  21. Report -

    All employees, board members and volunteers associated with Healthwatch South Tees (HWST) have a responsibility to put the interests of the organisation before their own personal pursuits.
  22. Report -

    This policy and associated procedures outline the steps taken to ensure decisions are evidence based and lead to substantive impact in the community for all staff, board and volunteers.
  23. Report -

    This document outlines the process of expressing an interest in becoming a Partnership Board Member for Healthwatch South Tees.
  24. Report -

    This Recruitment Pack provides details of our recruitment process, gives guidance on the core competencies we request from our Board members, and outlines the key requirements of the role.
  25. News -

    SOUTH Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has become one of only three NHS trusts in the country to have three of its own surgical robots - and now has the potential to become a national centre of excellence.
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  27. News -

    In the UK, around 22,000 people with diabetes die early every year and five million people in England are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.