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    The following videos have been produced by the NHS for people with learning disabilities and their carers providing information on the tier system in England, wearing a mask and Coronavirus rules over Christmas.
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    The Healthwatch South Tees e-bulletin
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    This is a short film which describes what is a vaccine is, how vaccines are made, why you should get a vaccine, whether a vaccine make you ill and how to decide whether to have a vaccine.
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    The Children's Autism Pathway is to be replaced from 1 April 2021. The new pathway is for children and young people aged 5-18 years old across South Tees.
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    Previously known as My Right to Healthcare, GP Access cards allow people who aren't registered with a GP practice, have no fixed address or identification to communicate their right to healthcare.
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    In October 2020 we launched our GPs, Ongoing Treatments and Wellbeing survey.
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    Over the last few months, we have been exploring ideas to extend our reach and connect with more isolated and digitally excluded local people during the Covid pandemic.
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    For many teens, COVID-19 meant missing out on some of the biggest moments in their young lives.
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    Helping people in South Tees with their health of mind, body and spirit
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    Raising awareness of trans rights, increasing diversity in community organisations, and promoting the global trans movement online.
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    Supporting people impacted by crime and anti-social behaviour in the South Tees area.
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    Facilitating social groups and informative talks for the Deaf community.
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    Delivering fitness classes for every age and ability across East Cleveland.
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    Engaging and communicating with communities who would otherwise be unheard.
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    Community Champions are at the heart of Healthwatch - read on to find out why!
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    Recently, our Project Lead Lisa Bosomworth was joined on CVFM Radio by Community Champion Rachel Gault.
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    Recently we have been working with Middlesbrough based radio station, Community Voice FM.
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    The Healthwatch Board and Community Champions come together for collaborative meeting.
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    Recently we visited Community Champion Karen Winspear, a Director of Senses Wellbeing Centre in Skelton.
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    Tees Valley Buddies is a neuro diverse self-advocacy and peer support charity ran by Neurodiverse people for Neurodiverse people!
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    Public Health England (PHE) identified confusion and barriers to accessing NHS dentists for asylum seekers and refugees.
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    Healthwatch South Tees are working with the local Mental Health Alliance Partnership to understand how mental health services are being used by local people.
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    Delivering social prescribing for the residents of Redcar costal (Via GP referral)